How to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 4 IOS 4.3.3

To unlock iPhone running on IOS 4.3.3, it should be first jailbroken using redsnow 0.9.6rc15 which was developed by the Dev team in May 2011 and then unlocked by installing UltraSnow 1.2.3 via cydia. Below are the detail steps for jailbreaking and unlocking iPhone IOS 4.3.3:

Note: Try at your own risk.


1. Download redsnow 0.9.6rc15 (Mac, Windows).
2. Download IOS 4.3.3 for iPhone 4.
3. Connect your iPhone with your computer.
4. Run redsnow 0.9.6rc15 that you had downloaded using the steps given below:

  • Step 1: Launch redsnow.
  • Step 2: Click browse and find the corresponding IOS 4.3.3 (.ipsw file) that you had downloaded earlier.
  •  Step 3: After selecting the .ipsw file a rapid process will start for patching the kernel into your iphone. Now a window will appear for selecting applications. Select cydia only in the options as shown below:
  •  Step 4: The phone will now go into DFU mode. Follow the steps as guided by the software. If you are not able to set your phone into DFU mode please refer to a video tutorial for setting your iPhone into DFU mode.
When the process is completed cydia application will be installed in your iPhone.

B. Unlock your iPhone

  • Step 1: Open the Cydia installed in your iPhone.
  • Step 2: Goto Search Tab and search for ultrasnow.
  • Step 3:  Install ultrasnow.

Installing ultrasnow and rebooting your phone will unlock your iPhone.


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